ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

View PDF Responses, Address Issues (portal)

  1. On the Responses tab of the transmittal, scroll down to the documents section (below the summary), then on the Response tab for a specific PDF, click the View response button.

    (The Response tab shows how many open and closed issues there are for each PDF.)

    This opens the reviewed PDF in the PDF Markup Service, showing any markups, annotations, and issues that were added by the reviewers.

  2. To open an issue:
    • Click the issue in the PDF then click the Update Issue button.


    • Click the Notes button (it is selected by default when the PDF opens) to open the list of issues that have been added to this PDF, then click the name (subject) or number of the issue you want to open. (Clicking anywhere else on the issue in the list highlights the issue on the PDF.)

    The Update Issue dialog opens, showing the details for that issue.

  3. Fix the issue in the source file and create a new version of the PDF (that contains the fix) as usual in ProjectWise.
  4. In PDF Markup Service, in the Update Issue dialog, select Mark as fixed or Reject issue as needed.